Selenium Grid
Execute webdriver tests in Parallel using selenium Grid In this tutorial we will see 'Parallel execution of tests' using selenium grid and execute tests on firefox and chrome browser. We will register multiple nodes to the Hub and execute tests in parallel. In the below example we will register a node in the same local machine where hub is running and other node in remote machine. We will register node 1 in local machine with the below command: java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.48.2.jar -role node -hub http://localhost:4444/grid/register We will register node 2 with the below command in remote machine. In the below command, need to pass a parameter by passing JVM properties using the -D flag along with chrome driver path , so that when ever there is a request to execute in chrome driver, Hub will send the request to this node. And here we have to mention the IP address of the machine where the hub is running as we are starting thi...